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Raising a healthy child begins before the pregnancy. Watch Rosa and Carlos prepare to have a family. What changes will they make to protect their child’s health?
Rosa’s mom is a ‘promotora’ – a community health worker. She knows that leukemia is becoming a bigger problem for Latino kids.

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Rosa’s mom worries about her future grandchild and she wants to make sure Rosa has access to all the best information about how to prepare for a healthy pregnancy.

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Rosa mentioned to her doctor that she and Carlos were considering having a baby. The doctor recommended she start taking a prenatal vitamin and told her to add more fruits and veggies to her diet.

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The doctor also said that Carlos needs to help prepare for the baby, too. Carlos smokes cigarettes and their bad health effects could also damage the baby.

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Rosa found a list of all the household chemicals that could be in her carpet and on the surfaces in her home. Now she wants to clean the house so it will be ready for the new baby.
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